Wendy's Massage Therapy
Advanced Therapeutic Massage and Deep Relaxation


Therapeutic Focused Techniques Relaxation Focused Techniques
Orthopedic Massage for Lower Extremity Relaxation Massage
Orthopedic Massage for Upper Extremity Thai Massage
Faciliated Pathways Intervention Heavenly Head Massage
Cranial-Sacral Integrative Somatic Therapy Reflexology and Thai Reflexology
Neuromuscular / Injury Recovery / Deep Tissue Pregnancy Massage
TMJ and Headache and Sinus Treatment  
Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Massage  
Cancer Massage  
Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening  
Sports Massage  


Orthopedic Massage for the Lower Extremity

James Waslaksi's unique integrated manual therapy program is designed to treat complicated conditions of the foot, ankle, knee, hip, and low back. 

One of the principles of this work is the importance of bringing joints back into normal alignment by lengthening tight muscles and strengthening weak muscles. For example, the majority of knee pain is due to imbalanced muscles causing a torsion between the upper and lower leg. Many orthopedic assessments are used to determine which muscles are tight and which are weak - including passive, active, and resisted range of motion tests.

Wendy completed a 100-hour program and passed a test, resulting in certification in this work.  For more information, see James' website, including his list of "Certified Orthopedic" students in Georgia, here.

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Orthopedic Massage for the Upper Extremity

James Waslaksi's unique integrated manual therapy program is designed to treat complicated conditions of the neck, shoulder, arm, and wrist.

One of the core concepts is that you bring muscles back to their normal muscle resting length, which causes painful trigger points to simply disappear, with no need for painful trigger point therapy work. Another unique and powerful aspect of this work is in shoulders, where James teaches how to eliminate adhesions within the joint capsule - a problem that often leads to frozen shoulder and is not treated with any other technique. This work is carefully structured, based on the results of various range-of-motion tests, and the layers of dysfunction are treated in a particular order to ensure no further injury or pain is caused in the joint during treatment. The careful structure of this work is evident not only when treating shoulders, but also when treating "carpal tunnel" syndrome, which is often caused by nerve compression in up to seven places in the neck, chest, upper or lower arm, or in the wrist itself.

Wendy completed a 100-hour program and passed a test, resulting in certification in this work.  For more information, see James' website, including his list of "Certified Orthopedic" students in Georgia, here.

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Facilitated Pathways Intervention (FPI)

FPI is a gentle treatment on the head and neck that clears up "static" on nerve pathways that have been irritated by repetitive motion or trauma. Reducing the hyperactivity of nerves calms chronic tension in tight muscles, thus decreasing pain and improving mobility throughout the body. 

FPI eliminates overall patterns within the body of muscle groups that activate together while inhibiting their antagonists. When a particular muscle or nerve is irritated, the related nerves activate these global patterns, which create a pattern of body-wide muscle imbalance, decreased range of motion, and pain. Although the physiological mechanisms that produce the FPI benefits are not yet clear, it can be shown through muscle testing that it is effective, and this is verified by immediate subjective feedback from the client. 

For more information, see Wendy's teacher's - Dr. Flo Barber-Hancock's - website here.

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CranioSomatic Integrative Therapy (CSI)

This therapy uses muscle testing to find patterns of muscoloskeletal compensation. These movement restrictions are also locked in the cranium. By improving mobility in the soft tissues of the cranium, we can facilitate neurological organization and improve joint and muscle function and eliminate pain patterns throughout the body. This therapy is also profoundly relaxing.

For more information, see Wendy's teachers' websites. Dr. Dallas Hancock's work is described here, and Tony Preston's work is described here.

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Neuromuscular / Injury Recovery / Deep Tissue

Neuromuscular techniques are ideal for relieving pain, reducing muscle tension, eliminating painful trigger points, correcting postural imbalances, reorganizing joint mechanics, and restoring the muscle tissue to a healthy, pain-free state.

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TMJ and Headache Treatment and Sinus Treatment

Through a combination of cranial-sacral techniques and neuromuscular techniques, headaches and pain in the jaw or face can be effectively eliminated. Mobilization of the bones of the face also allows the sinuses to open up.

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Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Massage

These techniques bring the benefits of massage without irritating swollen joints or painful tender points. There is also a special tool to use on arthritic fingers and toes. 

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Relaxation Massage

Need stress relief? Massage therapy can help improve joint movement, relax tense muscles, and stimulate the flow of blood and nutrients to the tissues.

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Thai Massage

With the client fully clothed, the therapist applies deep pressure along energy lines and performs precise stretches. It relaxes, rejuvenates, and opens up the joints. It is an excellent way to balance the hips and reduce back pain. This can be done on a mat on the floor or as part of a table session. It is exceptionally relaxing.

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Heavenly Head Massage

Thai massage techniques applied to the chest, neck, scalp, and face. This puts you in a blissful trance, especially if combined with cranial-sacral work!

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Reflexology and Thai Reflexology

Reflexology stimulates reflex areas in the feet that connect via energy pathways to our organs, glands, and other body parts. It reduces stress, improves circulation, and restores balance to the body. Thai reflexology is done with the aid of a Thai bamboo stick.

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Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening

AIS techniques isolate every muscle in the body to first lengthen it, then strengthen it. These techniques promote neurological healing involving the muscles, allowing the body to repair itself and to better prepare for daily activity. It is one of the stretching methods most used by athletes and personal trainers. It is also very effective for rewiring the brain after a brain injury.

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Sports Massage

Sports massage helps athletes obtain maximum performance and physical conditioning by increasing power, endurance, and flexibility. It reduces the likelihood of injuries and aids recovery from injuries.

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Cancer Massage

Whether you are currently undergoing treatment or have a history of cancer, massage requires advanced training and solid clinical thinking. With healthy, positive touch, you can reduce depression, anxiety, and stress, plus ease muscle aches, aid the immune system, and promote sleep and relaxation.

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Pregnancy Massage

Nurtures and de-stresses both mother and baby. Benefits include reduced blood pressure, better posture, less backache and leg cramps, reduced swelling, enhanced sleep, plus improved blood supply to the uterus.

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